martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

Welcome to our Language Assistant!

Hello! My name is Stephen and I will be the Language Assistant for I.E.S. Miguel de Cervantes this year. I am 26 years old and I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the United States of America. I am looking forward to helping everyone with the English language and teaching about the culture of my country. This is my first time in Spain and I am very excited to be here! I will see you all soon!

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Nueva Sección "Documents"

Próximamente estarán a vuestra disposición todos los documentos que se van a trabajar en las ALs y ANLs (áreas lingüísticas y áreas no lingüísticas). Desde nuestro blog podréis descargaros tanto las fichas de trabajo como otros documentos de interés para la clase. Recordad que para acceder a estos materiales será necesario disponer de una cuenta en gmail.

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Welcome back to school to all our students

This year we start bilingual classes in 1st year of ESO.
We would like you all have a great time learning English and having fun with it!
We can't forget Ana who was with us the last 2 years. Thanks a lot for all your work and help. Wish you all the best in your new school! We'll be missing you.